Friday, May 01, 2009

swine flu

that is nasty, i dOn't understand why peOple feel they can just kiss all Over animals. i knOw that the Outbreak is gOing frOm human tO human but at a pOint in time it started with a pig and it tOok One maybe mOre dumb humans tO put their lips tO a pig, i wish peOple weren't sO dumb nOw days, if they had cOmmOn since tO knOw that everything has germs and tO just put yOur lips tO a animals whO is in mud and Outside 99.9% Of the time is retarted. just like when peOple let their dOg kiss all Over them after the dOg has been sniffing everyOther dOgs butt and licking all Over theirselves, thats nasty even if they dO say dOgs have the cleanest mOuths. i dOn't knOw what tO say abOut the peOple whO have cOntracted the swine flu, i knOw that mOst Of them were just arOund the wrOng peOple and cOught it but there's nOthing i can dO tO help them they better just gO tO the dOctOr. thanks fOr yOur time!!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Teacher Love

this stOry is gOing tO be really weird, its abOut the lady right next dOor tO yOu. She a sweet heart and like everything a specific way. i didn't understand that last year and i never wanted tO, i hOnestly cOuldn't stand her last year because she wOuld get mad abOut the littlest stuff (tO me), but big tO her. nOw we are Okay, we get alOng as much as pOssible and we dOn't argue like befOre. its crazy hOw much i was in the Office and didn't care, nOw that its my last year i have learned tO just deal with it and keep it mOving. it wOrks Out soO much better.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Senior Poem

In person i am EVERYTHING and more
I get it, live it, l o v e it!
LETS JUST SAY, I'm a "yunng rebel" with a babaey face :D
Lifeee is goood but faaar from the peak.
I think forward, as if, ALL I SEE is tomorrow.
If i don't do nothin', Imma stunt my butt off.
I can swim in ANY waters you throw me in.
&babeyyyy gurl living single cuz i CHOOSE to beee.
"Forget them before they Forget YOU" is MY motivation.
Everyoneee KEEPS tellin me to choose a lane... but i tell em,,
juss let me sweeeeerve!
Shaaaayy baby!
It's my senior year...
&i go REAL hard,
no further details!

Me? Witchcraft?

I would probably try to let them know in the nicest way that it wasn't me and that i don't do witchcraft. I'm the stubborn type so i would give up after so long, and just let them kill me. I'd rather die know i told the truth and not having to argue with anyone about what i do on my spare time, then live a lie and everyday worry about what someone thinks of me.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Stupid Lawsuits

Band Name: Stupid Lawsuits
Song Title: Innocent!

S P R I N G ! ! !

My ten reasons for loving spring.....
1. Closer to summer
2. Of course this year will be graduation YEH
3. Teachers get cooler [not so up tight]
4. It gets hot outside
5. More parties
6. Prom
7. Less school bc all the holidays
8. Not so much work
9. Time to shop for summer clothes
10. &the less i get to see Coach K lol

Friday, January 16, 2009


It’s homework time at the DiVincenzo house. Nick, 12, starts his graphing assignment. Jenny, also 12, opens her 3-ring binder to math. And Scott, yet another 12 year old, reluctantly pulls himself away from a movie and begins filling out his math worksheets.

Pediatrician Cathy DiVincenzo and her husband Ken were firsthand witnesses to the multiple birth revolution that started 20-odd years ago. Their triplets were born in 1994 when DiVincenzo was 35.
“From the moment we saw them on ultrasound, we were thrilled. We were just so lucky to have an instant family,” says Cathy. However the DiVincenzo story also highlights the challenges that come with multiple births, since Scott was born with serious heart problems and Down syndrome.

Ken and Cathy met as teenagers when they both worked at McDonalds. They married six years later but waited to start a family until their 30s, a decision they don’t regret now. “A lot of my friends are empty nesters, but I’m still having fun with 12-year-olds,” said Ken DiVincenzo.

Since Cathy took fertility drugs when they were trying to conceive, the couple was actually hoping for twins. Triplets were an unexpected bonus, although Cathy who was in her third year of medical school had to delay graduation an extra year.

She also spent 13 weeks on bed rest. “I had seen enough preemies to know that I was the best incubator, said DiVincenzo who carried the babies to 33 weeks. The night before her scheduled C-section, DiVincenzo got a taste of what life with three infants would be like. “They must have picked up on my anxiety, because it was a wild, wild night in there,” she said, laughing at the memory.

The couple chose not to have amniocentesis, so it was a shock to learn after the birth that Scott had serious health problems. “Looking at the three of them together, it was quite obvious, “ DiVincenzo said. “I remember thinking, “Well I have a healthy boy and a healthy girl and a special boy with some extra needs.”

The DiVincenzos shed plenty of tears over Scott’s disability, although his heart defect put Down syndrome in perspective. “I felt I could deal with it. But I couldn’t face the thought of losing him.” Scott pulled through and today, he, his brother and his sister just call themselves normal. “There is no bad thing (about being a triplet),” said Scott. Nick, Jenny and their parents agree. “Initially we thought things were going to be very difficult but you get to the point where you realize you’re just a regular family,” Ken said.

When the kids were little, the DiVincenzos had lots of help from family and their community. Cathy finished medical school and became a pediatrician, who, not surprisingly, specializes in both multiples and disabilities.

Jenny and Nick are naturally protective of their brother, although their parents try not to put the task of caring for Scott on them. When pressed, however, they have just a few minor gripes as they recall growing up with Scott.

“He went to physical therapy and had all of these fun things to do,” Jenny said. “We were jealous.” “Yeah,” Nick added. “We’d have to go after school and sit around.” Their mother laughed over this recollection.

“The best therapy he had was being at home watching the two of you,” Cathy said. “Watching you crawl was how he learned to crawl. The two of you motivated him so much.”